Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Week 2: Photo Challenge { Best Face Photo }

The rules:
You need to enter the best face photo you have taken in the month of December 2009 or the very beginning of January 2010. It can not be of a silhouette or of a person far away. This photo has to be up close and personnal :-)

So, the photo I chose was one that I took of my daughter Madison outside the day after we had our first snowfall, December 6, 2009. It was her first time outside in the snow and she was 7 months old. She had a great time until she decided to give herself a whitewash :-( If you'd like to take a look at the whitewash picture you're more than welcome to head on over to my family blog, just click here.

For some more beautiful best face photos head on over to i heart faces. Trust me, the photos are AMAZING!! There are some really talented people over there.

**Happy 1st Birthday**

**i heart faces**


Amanda January 12, 2010 at 9:56 AM  

I love babies and their first snow!

fidget January 13, 2010 at 12:49 AM  

aww look at her cute lil pink nose! She looks so cold! BRR